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Introduction of The Author: Joravar Singh Shekhawat

Introduction of The Author: Joravar Singh Shekhawat

Hello there,

Welcome to my site!

I'm Joravar Singh Shekhawat, hailing from the vibrant state of Rajasthan.

I completed B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering in 2016 and M.Tech in Production Engineering in 2022. I dedicated eight years to experience both in education and industry.

In 2018, I took the leap and set up my own MSME-registered institute, which initially provided technical education through both online and offline channels. Now, it operates completely online and is registered as CAPKUL, an OPC entity. . Apart from my business activities, I am interested in books reading, Jeff Keller's "Attitude Is Everything" is one of among my favorites.

I manage three websites

1. (portfolio), 

2. (blog), and 

3. (Govt. job prep institute).

Beyond my entrepreneurial endeavors, I actively engage in mentoring students and conducting sessions on various topics. I've had the privilege of sharing insights on Entrepreneurship and skill development, primarily across Rajasthan, notably in the Jaipur & Sikar districts. I also had the honor of being a guest speaker at the Entrepreneurship Global Summit 0.1 held in Hyderabad in November 2021.

Adding to my achievements, I've authored two internationally acclaimed books published by Notion Press Publications: "True Spark: Gives You a New Birth" (December 2022), focusing on personal growth, and "8 Micro Habits Big Success: Secret Moves of a Winner" (May 2023), centered on professional development.

Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself.


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